Waitukubuli National Trail

Il y en a pas mal des trails qui me font rêver.. Mais celui-ci se hisse directement dans mon top 5 je crois…

The Waitukubuli National Trail – Ile de la Dominique

Ca ne doit pas être le nom définitif… Je suppose.
C’est un « sentier » qui s’est ouvert en 2010, et sur lequel il y aurait en 2011 un trail d’organisé.

Ca a l’air.. waouh…

Ce qu’on peut apprendre de l’île et de la potentielle future course sur la page Facebook :

Welcome to Dominica Crossing, a remote and rugged island trail race.

The Caribs, who settled here in the 14th century, called the island Waitikubuli, which means ‘Tall is her Body.’

Dominica (DOM-in-EEK-a):
This small volcanic island has many names but they all point to a place of unmatched charm, incredible beauty and dramatic terrain features that has been left preserved and unspoiled in its quiet corner of the Caribbean. With several peaks over 4,000ft, it also boasts one of only two World Heritage Sites in the Eastern Caribbean – Dominica’s Morne Trois Pitons National Park. Starting at sea level the trail goes right through the heart of the park and climbs up the island’s highest peak, Morne Diablotins, 1447 metres (4747 ft).

Geographically, Dominica is distinctive in many ways. The country has one of the most rugged landscapes in the Caribbean, covered by a largely unexploited, multi-layered rain forest. It is also among the Earth’s most rain-drenched lands, and the water runoff forms cascading rivers and natural pools. The island, home to rare species of wildlife, is considered by many as a beautiful, unspoiled tropical preserve. According to a popular West Indian belief, Dominica is the only New World territory that Columbus would still recognize.

The Waitikubuli Trail is just now complete and completely traverses the rugged Caribbean island of Dominica. The local Carib people are looking forward to welcoming international runners with open arms and lively spirits. They are excited to showcase the trail and all that the island has to offer visitors at Dominicas first 100k ultra run and 100 mile trek.

We have been granted special permission by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MOAF) to stage an international Trail Race in late 2011.

More details are on their way. 50k and 25 k distance will also be offered.

Registration opens soon.

See you there.

– TCC Adventures

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